Daily Joy from Divine Caroline

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Quick Review: Three Steps is All You Need!

Now don't get me wrong, there will be lots of steps along your way to a healthy life. The three steps I have outlined are all you need to make sure you're on the right track.

WMWB Step 1: Affirm that you will make the best choices for you today.

WMWB Step 2: Get up and do something, right NOW!

WMWB Step 3: Set a measurable goal.

Since you're a reader here, I'm going to assume that your overall mission is to live healthy and improve your overall wellness. Here are some additional guidelines I suggest to head you in the right direction. You need not do these all at once, and you don't have to do all of them. Just pick and choose which ones appeal to you today. They may help clarify your direction, and decide which area of your life to focus on right now.

  1. Take a sheet of paper, and write the categories "Mental", "Physical", "Emotional", and "Spiritual" on it. Under each category, write down specific areas that you would like to work on. For example, under "Physical" you may have wrote down diet, exercise, and/or personal grooming. For each category, pick one area of focus that you feel is most important to you right now. On another sheet of paper, list these top 4 items, and post it somewhere you will look at it on a daily basis. When faced with a decision of what to do, see if it falls under one of your categories of importance. If it does not, then perhaps you should do something else instead.
  2. Do some research. Find some websites that will help you reach your goals. Use caution when exploring on the internet of course. Do not let "get rich quick" schemes part you with your money; only invest in reputable websites that you have thoroughly researched and actually intend to use. In my next post, I'll list some of my top wellness websites.
  3. Start slow. It's all too easy to get a running start toward your goals, only to lose momentum and give up entirely. Take small steps, and build a day at a time. Overall success will come day by day, not overnight.
  4. Cut out anything unrelated to your goals. Unless surfing the web until 3am is a daily goal of yours, it should not be unrealistic to cut back your internet time each day. Any distractions, activities, or responsibilities that are unnecessary and counterproductive should be restricted or eliminated entirely. Focus solely on what you want in life, and let the excess fall away. You will feel a lot less rushed and stressed as a result.
  5. Take time out for you. With all the emphasis on goals, you can feel overwhelmed. Be sure to take a little down time, and do what you truly enjoy. If your goal is to be a professional writer, wouldn't you enjoy writing in your journal as a hobby? Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on your preferences, and what will help you unwind after a productive day.
More suggestions will be forthcoming in later posts, as well as more topic-specific articles. If you have any ideas for what you would like to see me talk about, leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

Hello. I just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd say hi before I head on my way. I like your use of the term wellness. It implies a broader concept than just physical health, which is important to get yourself motivated to make real changes in your life.

Good luck w/ the blog!


Kimberlee Ferrell said...

Thank you Kate! That's really what I'm shooting for, an all-encompassing way of life. You cannot change one aspect without it affecting the others. So many people are stuck in the rut of their current life, that they can't see the way out. It's one step at a time, and it's not always easy. Each person must set their goals, and persue them every day.

Thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

These are some really great steps and tips! Thank you for sharing. =)

Anonymous said...

These are some really great steps and tips! Thank you for sharing. =)

Kimberlee Ferrell said...

Thanks Linh! I tend to lean towards lists, so if you like them, I can definitely post more. ;)
