Daily Joy from Divine Caroline

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pheromones Institute Website Review

Human pheromones have created a lot of buzz in the past few years. These olfactory sensors have been known to be in animals for a long time, yet human pheromones have had little research in past decades. In animals, pheromones are used to attract a mate, mark territory, and mark trails. Human pheromones can regulate menstrual cycles of females living in close quarters, as well as increase attraction between potential mates.

Curious as to how human pheromones can work for you? At www.best-pheromones.com, you can discover the benefits of pheromones with a full ONE YEAR money-back guarantee. The site offers both pheromones for men and pheromones for women. Human pheromones can work for you, whether you are trying to increase your attractiveness, improve sexual activity, or even improve your likability in the workplace.

Their website has some great studies and testimonials to back up their claims. A simple, straightforward interface and lots of links will make your visit to their site enjoyable. Be sure to check out their Buy 2 get 1 free package; this can save you a lot of money! The only downside to their site is that their articles are slightly outdated; apparently the news media has not kept up with the trends in pheromone research. The best way to decide if these pheromones will work for you is to try it yourself. If anyone does, I'd love to hear your testimonials!

Human pheromone research is in its infancy. There are so many untapped potentials for pheromones. Time will tell what research will be able to discover. Stop by their website to start your own research. Remember, you have a full year to decide if you are truly satisfied with your results. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. More confidence, more attractiveness, and more likability can be yours, through the natural power of pheromones.

NOTE: In the interest of full disclosure, this post is a paid review of this website. I do not accept every paid review offer, and I write my own opinion of their site, be it positive or negative. This disclaimer is a reminder to you to please make your own judgment of any website, as you see fit. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 3: A Review of Meter

Okay, I must admit that I'm a free verse kinda gal all the way. So seeing this prompt today was a bit of a downer for me. I don't seem to think in meter, and trying to get the words to flow into a box, well, seems limiting to me. Although I believe the practice is good once in awhile. It keeps the mind nimble, and lets you break into areas you never thought possible. So, with meter in mind, here's my third offering.


A mind forgotten
A word misspoken
A hope replacing
A night foreboding.

Ripe for the chopping block
Sick of the endless knocks
Raised on the chimney tops
Looking for time to rot.

Cast upon the open sea
I glance at the night released
Mired within the starry trance
I rest at peace, lonely lance.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 2: Be Specific

This is a great writing prompt, and great wellness advice too. No matter what your goals, being specific is critical. How will you know when you've reached them, unless you specifically spelled out your goals in the beginning? Also, being specific in your relationships will help avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Clarity in thought and purpose will keep your mind free of clutter.

Here's poem two: Empty Heaven's Entourage

I stood in the rain
molting droplets from
the surface of my earth worn skin
beneath the tatters of my ancient clothes.

I looked up
to the oblivious sky
pouring its fury
to the scattered lost
residents of the land below.

I never knew what alone meant
til I observed the icy urgent rain drops
exacting their revenge beneath
the clarity of their beings.

I turned my etched face down
avoiding the relentless rage
and resumed my walk
amongst the shiftless, aching souls
in their blue corduroy jeans
and soft pink tattered umbrellas.

Carrying little but their names
they trembled on
looking for the hope, once remaining
now lost beneath the shattered sky
of their hollowed blackened minds.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 1: I Believe

Here is day one of the 30 day poetry challenge. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to use poetry as a tool for better mental and spiritual wellness.

It occurred to me that many people prefer journal writing instead of poetry. I do write in my journal from time to time, but I find that those entries tend to be self-absorbed and whiny. Those posts don't seem to do much for my mental state, but instead drag me down into the deep. Try both, and see which way works best for you.

I Believe

The world holds
many roads
that lead to

I have held hands
with the devil
and went where
he left me.

In my dreams
I was still alone
reaching out
for the one.

Without leaving
I could never return
tasting bittersweet droplets
on my tongue.