Daily Joy from Divine Caroline

Monday, July 28, 2008

Second Step to Wellness

Usually, these kinds of articles will have an entire list of things you can do to improve your life. Well, not today. If you're going to make life choices that you can live with, you need to do it one step at a time.

WMWB Step 2: Get up and do something, right NOW!

Yes, get out of your desk chair and do one thing you have been putting off. It could be taking the dishes off your desk to the kitchen, or finding that book you've been meaning to read. Something simple, something that should take less than five minutes.

Don't worry, I'll wait....

Okay! You have taken a tiny step in improving your life. Why does something so small and insignificant matter? Because it is an action. You have done something, anything, and it means your life is that much better for the five minutes you spent. You have accomplished one step towards your goal: improving your wellness.

Now, I know you're thinking that such mundane actions don't seem like a lot. They may seem totally unrelated to your goal of losing 10 pounds, or clearing the incessant clutter from your mind. But in reality, such things do matter. Many people give up on their goals simply due to inaction. They say, "I'll get to that later." Later usually arrives on New Year's Day, with a whole new set of resolutions, and fades out again three days after. Now is the only moment you have control over.

Whenever you feel yourself dragging, out of focus and depressed, get up and do something. The small bit of power you wield over the smaller points of life, will translate into bigger and better things, once you have established what it is that you want and how you intend to get it. If you find yourself not remembering to do this, set a timer to go off in one hour. Then, when it goes off, do something. You would be amazed at the progress and empowerment you will have gained after just one day.

For a great website that takes these "Babysteps" and applies them to all aspects of your life, check out Flylady.net. This site was originally created for those whose houses have become over cluttered and out of control, but has grown substantially and expanded to health and mental wellness as well. Although geared toward the caretaker of the home (think the busy housewife and mom) the system works for anyone, guys included. It's worth the look.

Now I'm off to clean my desk. After all, taking care of the mundane items leaves room for the great ones.

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